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Handle for Cordless Honeycomb, Duette, Angled Hook, Clear. For 3/8" cell size ONLY

Handle for Cordless Honeycomb, Duette, Angled Hook, Clear.  For 3/8" cell size ONLY
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Our Price: $5.00
(Minimum order):  2

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Product Code: ANGLE-5886

Cell Size

Cellular Size S M L*:


Handle for Cordless Literise Honeycomb, Duette by Hunter Douglas
There are 2 different type of Literise Handle:
  1. CURVED Hook &
  2. ANGLED Hook.
Please review the pictures carefully to select the correct type. The selection on this page is for ANGLED Hook only, 3/8" CELL SIZE ONLY.
  • Select Cellular size: 3/8" OR 3/4"
  • COLOR: clear, NO logo
!!!DISCONTINUED. 5885 = Fit 3/4" cell size, Angled Hook. DO NOT ORDER
5886 = Fit 3/8" cell size, Angled Hook

For CURVED Hook selection. Please click HERE.

The handle is clipped on the moving rail (bottom rail and/or middle rail). If your shade is wider than 5ft, definitely install 2 handles for stability. Lower & raise the shade slowly would help to make the components inside headrail last longer (translate to less break down).

You can "RESET" the shade by pulling the fabric all the way down. By doing so, the lift cords inside are straighten out, loose knots are corrected, overlapped cords on spools are reset. So Shade is likely to be level & goes up/down smoothly again.

  • F3-3

Handle for Cordless Honeycomb, Duette . CURVED hook
Our Price: $5.00

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Handle for Cordless Honeycomb, Duette . CURVED hook
